What kind of sentence is this?/Warm up

What kind of sentence is this?

Read through the following sentences, and make the choice about whether it is a simple, compound or complex sentence.


E.g. Do you want to go to the park?


→ This sentence is simple because it has one independent clause. 


While Max was at recess, he fell and hurt his knee.


→ This sentence is a compound because it has two independent clauses.


Do you have a dog, or do you have a cat?


→ This sentence is Compound because it has two independent clauses. 


My mum packed me an apple for lunch.


→ This sentence is simple because it has one independent clause.


My favourite subject is reading because I love interesting books.


→ This sentence is compound because it has two independent clauses.


Maria wanted to go to school, but she was sick.


→ This sentence is compound because it has two independent clauses.


I hope I do well on my test!


→ This sentence is simple because it has one independent clause.


I feed my dog before I leave my house because I don’t want him to be hungry while I am gone.


→ This sentence is complex because it has at least one independent clause and one dependent clause.


I woke up early, and I am dressed for school.


→ This sentence is complex because it has  at least one independent clause and one dependent clause.

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