Category: Ako | Learn

Winter Learning Journey 18

Task Description: Hello everyone for today’s task we had to make chocolate chip cookies. This task was really fun to do because I got to learn how to cook cookies and I also got to have fun making the cookies with my family. I was so happy with how it turned out because it was so big and yummy to eat. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 


Winter Learning Journey 7

                              Missing Mormon Missionaries get released by Russian Kidnappers

Elder Propst      Elder Tuttle 

 Both 20 years old

                                                                                                     What Happened?

 These two men are going to be serving there

                                                         missions in Russia just to spread the holy ghost.

                                                         Sadly on their mission two Russian men come

                                                         along and kidnaps both of them and takes them

                                                         to an old and rusty house. At the house the men 

hits and hurts them quite a lot of times. The two

missionaries really wanted to be set free but the                                                                                                       kidnappers said that they would need around 30000

                                                         dollars from their families. The two missionaries were

  trapped in one room for about 2 to 3 days. Suddenly on Sunday 

                        In the morning the kidnappers thought it would be a good idea to set them both free.




Holiday Blogging 11

Task Description: I know that ten was going to be my last holiday blogging but my teacher miss Parrant wanted to add one more for a bonus. This topic was chosen by TJ in my class. The topic he chose was sports, this task was actually very fun to do because I actually  enjoy playing sports. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog , thank you.

Winter Learning Journey 2

Task Description: This afternoon I thought of finishing the winter learning journey because the holidays are going to be finished. The task I chose to do was activity two. For activity two we had to basically make breakfast for our parents. What I made for my parents was toast spread with butter along with yummy eggs on top. I also added on the side with a cup of milo and a stick of butter. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you.                                                                                       

Holiday Blogging 10

Task Description: This afternoon for Holiday blogging ten we were going to be learning about Reece Walsh, this topic was chosen by me Meki from room seven. For this task we had to just do the same things just like I did on all of my other holiday blogging. I hope you all enjoy how my task turned out. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 

Holiday Blogging 9

Task Description: This evening for Holiday blogging nine we were going to be learning about Minecraft, this topic was chosen by me Pita from room nine. For this task we had to just do the same things just like I did on all of my other holiday blogging. I hope you all enjoy how my task turned out. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 

Holiday Blogging 8

Task Description: This afternoon for Holiday blogging eight we were going to be learning about Samoa, this topic was chosen by me Kree from room eight. For this task we had to just do the same things just like I did on all of my other holiday blogging. I hope you all enjoy how my task turned out. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 

Holiday Blogging 7

Task Description: This morning for Holiday blogging seven we were going to be learning about Sanrio, this topic was chosen by me Shwe Shwe from room six. For this task we had to just do the same things just like I did on all of my other holiday blogging. I hope you all enjoy how my task turned out. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 

Winter Learning Journey 10

 For activity ten I had to basically create and set up my own winter olympic sport or I could do an inside game. Play the game/ sport with your friends or family. The games we played were very fun to do, here was one of my favourites. We actually played it with my church and family. The games we played were a game where we had I think around ten cups along the table with popsicle sticks with paper sticked on it written with questions on it. The game was really easy and fun to play the game was basically having someone in front of us pull one question out of the cup and ask us that question for us to answer.One of the questions were like ” What is your favourite colour? Then when everyone had finished rotating and talking my Mum had to ask a random person with the other person they were with what they had learnt about each other. It was actually really easy to do because my partner was my friend. Maybe if you have the time you could do this with your church, friends, or even family. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 

Winter Learning Journey 13

Task Description: This afternoon for the winter learning journey I thought that it would be a good idea to create a board game for my family. This game was really easy and fun to create and play, here is how to play. First things first you have to have like a little stick man just like snakes and ladders to take steps. When it is your turn to roll the dice and for example you get three you would have to take three steps. If you land on a box that says take two or five cards you would have to take that much. The game would have to keep going until all of the cards are finished to see who had the most cards. The person that had the most cards would win the whole game. I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope that if you think this was interesting then maybe you and your family should play this game. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you.