Month: December 2023

R.E.S.P.E.C.T poster) SLJ

 Task Description: This evening I was feeling like doing a summer learning journey task. The task I was wanting to do was the respect poster. For this task I had to file a copy of a google drawing that had three small boxes at the top. To do this task we had to think of three ways that we show respect in our family and community. In this task I chose kindness,listening, and sharing. After that we had  to insert images that show what our kindness meant. At last we had to explain what was in the three boxes at the bottom of the page. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 

ComicQuest) SLJ

Task Description: This morning I was feeling like doing summer learning journey. The task I was wanting to do and finish off was the comicQuest, Made by Mr Goodwin. For this task we had to file make a copy of  some google slides. Then we had to create a story with some images on the last slide. After that I had to read my entire story to see if it makes sense. As I was done I was wanting to add more detail into my writing and images in the story. Remember ton leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you.

Summer Styles) SLJ

Task Description: This week for summer learning journey I was wanting to do the summer styles created by Amie Williams. For this task we had to file make a copy of a google drawing that had a scooped artwork already done, but had to be colored in. In this task I had to add color gradient into my drawing to make it look real and artful. While I was doing this task, I thought that it was really fun to do because it was fun to add the colors wherever I wanted it to go, to be honest this task was a 10 out of 10 because it was just a fantastic task to do. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 

Groove Pizza) SLJ

Task Description: This morning for my second task I was wanting to do the groove pizza task. In this task you were supposed to get into a web site that was called groove pizza. To do  this task you had to think of a beat and make it become a very short song. After doing that we had to create our own album cover for our short song. If you need any help then take a look at mine. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you.



Task Description: This week for the summer learning journey I was wanting to do the respect task. The reason why I chose this task was because I know a lot of respect like when I respect my parents and teachers at school. For this task we had to create a shirt and bag showing and how respect works .As I was doing this task I also really liked my bag because in respect we have to be kind and also amazing and awesome. For me I give this task a 10 out of 10 because it was really fun learning about respect. Remember to leave a positive comment on my blog, thank you. 

One City – Two Earthquakes

Task description: This week we have been learning all about Christchurch and the devastating earthquakes that happened in 2010 and 2011. Our leaning intention was to find clues within the text and read between the lines to understand the hidden meaning to make a conclusion or an assumption. This week we read an article called “One City – Two Earthquakes.” We learnt the different ways to stay safe during an earthquake. For our task we had to create a piece of digital art showing how to drop, cover and hold. I chose to create a scratch project to show how to drop, cover and hold please check it out below. Please feel free to leave a positive comment on my blog.

I have also created a review about the article, check it out here!